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Impurity Effects in Nodal Extended s- and Nodeless d-Wave Superconductors: Gap Symmetry of BiS2-Based Layered Superconductors 

A. Ichikawa and T. Hotta,

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87, 114706 (2018).

Mean-field theory for multipole ordering in f-electron systems on the basis of a j-j coupling scheme 
R. Yamamura and T. Hotta 
Physica B 536C, 6-11 (2018). 

Kondo effect in the seven-orbital Anderson model hybridized with Γ8 conduction electrons
T. Hotta 
Physica B 536C, 203-210 (2018). 

Multipole interactions of Γ3 non-Kramers doublet systems on cubic lattices
K. Kubo and T. Hotta 
J. Phys.: Conf. Series 969, 012096 (2018). 



Local Nodal Cooper Pairs in Multiorbital Systems 

K. Hattori, T. Nomoto, T. Hotta, and H. Ikeda,

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86, 113702 (2017).


Influence of lattice structure on multipole interactions in Γ3 non-Kramers doublet systems

K. Kubo and T. Hotta

 Phys. Rev. B 95, 054425 (2017).


Two-Channel Kondo Effect Emerging from Nd Ion 



Classification of "multipole" superconductivity in multi-orbital systems and its implications 

T. Nomoto, K. Hattori and H. Ikeda, 

Phys. Rev. B 94, 174513 (2016). 


Classical Monte Carlo Study for Antiferro Quadrupole Orders in a Diamond Lattice

K. Hattori and H. Tsunetsugu 
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 85, 094001 (2016). 

Valence Imbalance of Manganese Ions between Surface and Bulk Enhanced by Fermi-Surface Structure in Layered Manganites
R. Yamamura and T. Hotta 
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 683, 012042-1-7 (2016). 

Fermi-Surface Topology and Pairing Symmetry in BiS2-Based Layered Superconductors
T. Agatsuma and T. Hotta 
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 400, 73-80 (2016). 



Effect of Spin-Orbit Coupling on Kondo Phenomena in f7-Electron Systems

Key Role of Rutile Structure for Layered Magnetism in Chromium Compounds 
Y. Kondo and T. Hotta 
Phys. Procedia 75, 671-678 (2015). 

Quantum Interference of Surface-Induced Friedel Oscillations Enhanced by Fermi-Surface Nesting in Layered Manganites
R. Yamamura and T. Hotta 
Phys. Procedia 75, 902-910 (2015). 

Relation between electron mass enhancement and potential shape: Numerical analysis of two-site anharmonic Holstein-Hubbard model 
T. Matsuura and T. Hotta 
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 592, 012144 (2015). 

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